Monday, November 21, 2011

Second Marking Period

            The statement chose this time was " Whatever happens at a party should stay at the party." In some cases I believe that this statement is true, but other times it is not. Like, say something tragic happens to someone, and they are toatlly embarassed about it and it hurts them emotionaly, mentally, and/or physically just to think about it. Then, yea no one should say anything about to anyone that was there or wasnt there.
            The times it is not true is when, someone does something really funny, or something just a little humiliating and that they dont mind other people knowing it. LIke say someone slipped and fell into a pool with all their makeup on and nice pretty dress. If it is ok with the victim that other people know about it, then it is fine to talk to others that weren't at the party about the incident.
            But, on the other hand there are times when something that happened at a party definatly needs to stay there, and never be spoke of again by someone other than the victim. Like say you and a friend of the opposite gender went a party, and the girl of the tw was talking to some other dude and he was drinking at the time, that doesnt sound too bad right now, does it? But later on in the night that dude becomes "over the top" drunk. So he calls over the girl in the sencario and brings her upstairs into a bedroom. Then she ends up getting raped. And a lot of people find out about it. It just so happens that everyone who found out about it was at the party. In that case no one should go around telling other people that. The only people that should be talkin about that incident should the victim and whoever she is talking about it with.
           Those are just two opposite cases of when an event occured during party can and should be spread around. But, there are a lot of other happenings that shouldn't be spread around school or town or wherever.People should just kep to themselves until they get permission from the victim in any scenario that it is ok to spread around.

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